Manaless dredge modern deck
Manaless dredge modern deck

manaless dredge modern deck

Far too many sac outlets ended up rotting in our opening hands.

  • Sacrifice outlets (ex.: Viscera Seer, Greater Gargadon ) with Bridge from Below: Cute in theory, but fairly rocky in practice.
  • Here are a few things we considered or tested: I needed help and Patrick was the person for the job. What I was testing with my flex slots wasn't working. Bridge from Below rotted in my hand more times than I'd prefer.

    manaless dredge modern deck

    The deck was explosive, but inconsistent. That left me with a rough framework, two slots to play around with, and a lot of testing: Topped up Bloodghasts and Simian Spirit Guide s since Dredging creatures (and not sacrificing them for a large payout) was now the focus of the deck.Added our Prized Amalgams and Insolent Neonates and.Took out banned cards and the cards supporting them (ex.

    manaless dredge modern deck

    I eventually found Card Kingdom and Randy Buehler's No-Banned-List Dredge deck. Searches across forums led me to Modern manaless Dredge decks and weak brews not what I had in mind. With Legacy Dredge not looking like anything close to something Modern legal, I had to look elsewhere. With that, our deck's goal will be simple: Dredge a massive board quickly and turn creatures sideways until your opponent concedes. There is a clear synergy between Narcomoeba, Bloodghast, and Prized Amalgam. I partnered with local brewer/jank player Patrick Lalonde to test and refine the deck with the hopes of having something serviceable ready for the Shadows Over Innistrad release. Since then, we've had reasonable success in our testing and are starting to bring it out to events. I'll talk about the early ideas, how the deck evolved, and where the deck is now. Seeing Insolent Neonate spoiled was icing on the cake. I've never been a good brewer but when Prized Amalgam was spoiled, I knew there were immediate applications to Dredge deck in Modern.

    Manaless dredge modern deck