Diablo 3 upgrade set item to ancient
Diablo 3 upgrade set item to ancient

Mostly only gamble bloodshards on 25 cost items and preferably on (a) key items for your build (b) item slots with low number of legendary options to maximize your chances of getting things you need. You are going to get into cycles of running Nephilim rifts for keys and GRs for legendaries/bloodshards with bounties thrown in for mats need for the cube recipes. Mostly try to keep the ancient items (or non-ancients with maxed special abilities). But a lot of stuff is not ever going to be useful, so feel free to dust those things immediately. I try to keep one copy of anything with potential to be useful and put one copy in the cube.

diablo 3 upgrade set item to ancient

Pieces you are not using…well, I am a pack rat.

Diablo 3 upgrade set item to ancient